1. Describe to us if who is Shamcey in a way of representing her in a thing.
Shamcey is a bamboo tree who stands tall and sways with the wind during the storm. She knows how to handle herself despite all the pressure and the strongest winds cannot break her. She is strong and dignified, a true Filipina.
2. During Bb. Pilipinas 2011, you're one of the closest friends in the pageant, how is Shamcey as a friend?
She was one ( if not the only) person I would come up to if i wanted to have an intellectual conversation. there was a time when we just started talking about politics, the universe, God... at first we were a big group of girls then all of a sudden, we were the only ones left talking, the rest of the girls left. haha!
3. When Shamcey won as Bb. Pilipinas-Universe 2011 what was on your mind? Were you sad, jelous, happy?
I wasn't expecting to win anything so i was neither jealous nor sad. I was quite proud and happy that she won because she has transformed so much since the start of the pageant. She worked hard on learning how to put make up, on how to walk, how to dress. These things are a big deal for her because she is a very simple person, and yet look at what she's become. I am proud that she is representing our country.
4. On the lighter side, what were/was your happiest moments together (with Shamcey or the other ladies)?
Happiest moment with Shamcey and the girls was when we'd just goof around when we're not doing anything. we'd laugh about stuff and the Clenci sisters would make jokes and impersonate other people. It's hilarious!
5. Since the Miss Universe 2011 pageant is getting nearer and nearer, what would be your message to Shamcey.
Hi Shamcey, still so proud of you for being where you are now. And this is it!!! God put you there because He knows you can. Like i always tell you, just do your best, no pressure. I could not ask for anything more from you. you've worked so hard for this. I'll always be proud of you babe!!! :)
After all that exciting interview, Gianna has a message to all her supporters! This is what she said:
"Thank you for everyone who supported me, and I'm sorry for disappointing you. Who knows, I might join again. :)