Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Marie Elka Pangestu also welcomed Miss World 2013 to be held in Indonesia . Surely this will also contribute to promote Indonesian tourism.
"Obviously we hope is able to lift Indonesia as a country, tourist attractions, cultural and creative industries are also wealth. Event we expect this to be the best for it," he said in the Diary impressions Miss World 2013 in the Seputar Indonesia, RCTI.
Not only in terms of clothing, the finalists of Miss World 2013 will be getting debriefing about Indonesian culture. Visiting various places and get to know local culture , will also be on the agenda quarantine Miss World 2013.
As host, Vania Larissa is also increasingly preoccupied with activities towards Miss World 2013. The support from the community is necessary for success in the event.
SOURCE: http://lifestyle.okezone.com/read/2013/06/17/195/823203/miss-world-2013-promosikan-budaya-indonesia